Jackson Kayak is a kayak manufacturer founded in 2003 by Whitewater Paddlers Tony Lunt, Eric Jackson and David Knight, in Sparta, TN. The foundation of the company was built by enthusiasts who believed the core values needed to be inclusivity, innovation, accessibility and community. Jackson Kayak has grown to claim a leading position as an elite kayak manufacturer in not only the whitewater sector but in the kayak fishing niche as well.

Knarr FD

Mark IV Flex Drive System
The Flex Drive Mark IV is the product of four years of constant evolution. The Mark IV is faster, quieter and more durable than ever before.

Updated Steering System
New steering improves turning in any condition. Simple, one or two handed operation turns easily in big waves or tight spots.

Jackson’s new TriTrak is factory-installed around the entirety of the boat, providing almost unlimited gearing solutions.

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